Home News Make the Most of Your Time: Second Careers for Retired Seniors

Make the Most of Your Time: Second Careers for Retired Seniors

second career retired seniors

Sometimes, retirement leaves seniors feeling a bit lost, lacking the sense of purpose that motivated them to succeed over the course of a career. Whether retirement was your idea or circumstances put you there sooner than expected, there may be a lot you’d still like to accomplish. As an older adult with decades of work experience and a razor-sharp mind, it’s understandable that you might find yourself feeling unfulfilled, perhaps even bored. Just because your career has ended doesn’t mean you can’t start a new one. It’s never too late to pursue something in which you have an interest. Here are a few ideas to help you determine what that might be.

Real Estate

Real estate can be a great option for those who have excellent people skills, are good with financial matters, and have some marketing savvy. Those years of business experience, of negotiating, managing, and making clients happy, are perfect for a career as a realtor. And there’s always your experience as a home buyer and seller and your understanding of what makes a good realtor and what does not.

If you’re looking for a flexible option, real estate is ideal. Best of all, a career as a realtor can be quite lucrative, giving you a chance to make good money so your kids or grandkids can get their college degrees, or so you and your spouse can take that trip to Tuscany or backpack across Australia.

There is some studying, and certification is required (along with a licensing exam), but it’s not overwhelming. Typical start-up costs usually amount to around $295. Check online for real estate courses, such as those provided by myrealestateschool.com, that will prepare you to succeed as a realtor.


There’s no better time than retirement to make money some while doing work you know well at your own pace. As a consultant, you get to work when you want, doing what you know and enjoy best. Companies will pay well for the expertise and opinions of someone who has substantive, firsthand knowledge of their industry. You probably have quite a few contacts from your days on the job — there’s nothing wrong with reaching out and investigating any options that might be available to gauge the interest level of prospective clients.

Pet Sitting

Are you a dog and/or cat lover? Would you rather spend time with your pets than most of the people you know? Then pet sitting may be the perfect sideline for you. You get to spend time playing with and taking care of animals whose owners are too busy at the office or have to travel for work. And families who love their four-legged friends are often desperate to find someone who can give their pets some love and attention. Many pet owners go into business as independent contractors, while others find customers through sites like Rover or Wag.com. 

Substitute Teaching

People who spend their careers educating children and helping them mature and develop often find they miss it terribly after retirement. While substitute teaching doesn’t offer the same opportunity to interact and work with kids, it’s still a chance to be a positive influence on young people who can benefit from your knowledge and empathy. In any event, a child can never have too many positive role models.

Retirement is your chance to do exactly what you want with your time. That’s a remarkable statement of personal freedom, but it’s also a challenge to find something that has real meaning. If the alternative is to spend hours in isolation, launching a new career might be the only thing between you and a long, slow mental and physical decline. Why not make the time work for you?

Article written by Cindy Aldridge.  Image courtesy of Pixabay.

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