Home News Welcome to the Digital Age: Sentri Lockboxes

Welcome to the Digital Age: Sentri Lockboxes


By now you’ve probably heard about the newest technology in the real estate world: Sentri Key by Sentri Lock. Complete with an app available on iPhone and Android, the new Sentri Key lockboxes have added much needed security to the traditional lockbox. If you’re still unclear on what Sentri Key is, Michigan Institute of Real Estate has all of the latest information to get you up to date.

With traditional lockboxes, the code typically remains the same throughout the listing period. That means that dozens of agents can access your clients’ home at any time, and less than ethical agents could give out the code to anyone they want. Though there are laws and consequences in place to prevent this, there is never any guarantee that your client won’t be a victim. The Sentri Key Lockbox system requires an agent to open an app each time they access the home, and hold their phone up to the lockbox to open it. The unique “code” is only usable during the agent’s showing window, and only if the showing has been approved by the listing agent. The app requires an MLS subscription, which can only be granted to real estate agents with an active license.

So you would think that every real estate agent would be excited to introduce this new technology to clients, right? Wrong.

The SentriKey system has been met with both celebration and pushback by many local realtors, with many still using traditional lockboxes. Unfortunately, with only some agents getting on board with the new system, agents that like Sentri Lockboxes are more hesitant to use them. While many agree that they add much needed security for clients, the system only works well if the majority of agents use them. Between bugs and tech failures during the launch phase, and the resistance to a big change, some realtors just don’t want to bother with the new Sentri Lockboxes. Agents fear that if they use a Sentri Lockbox for their listing, realtors that haven’t set up their Sentri account yet will avoid showing the listing. Of course, the only way to combat that problem, is for EVERYONE to embrace Sentri Key.

So how can you help change the real estate world and bring secure Sentri Lockboxes into everyday use? It’s simple: Set up your Sentri Key account! Local brokers have been given a box of these new innovative lockboxes to help their agents get started. Here’s some more information from Realcomp on how to start using the Sentri Key System:

Now that you’re up to date with the latest technology, brush up on your sales skills with our recent blog entry: Increase Your Sales by Getting Rid of Selling

Still have questions? Call your MLS provider or comment below for assistance from the greatest teachers in real estate, at Michigan Institute of Real Estate. Online, in-person, and at-home classes are available at www.myrealestateschool.com. We’ll post the latest real estate info on our blog as it becomes available!

Thanks for reading!

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